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Writer's picture: Mara PetroMara Petro

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

Politics. No one likes talking about it. Many don’t care about it. Few understand it. A significant number of Christians and pastors who say they are pro-life won't talk about abortion or other politically sensitive topics because it's uncomfortable and they fear being perceived as "political" when addressing the societal issues tearing us apart. You can read more about that in this article:

I believe politics is important, and we should not only care about it but actively engage in it. Regardless of your interest, politics impacts your life, and I want to help you realize its significance.

Allie Beth Stuckey says, “Politics matter because policy matters because people matter.” I agree with her. I care about people and those who govern us, so I pay attention to politics.

As a Christian, I am called to seek the welfare of the city where I live and pray to the Lord on its behalf (Jeremiah 29:7). I think it’s safe to say, that extends to the county, the state, and the country.

Part of being a citizen of this country is voting. It’s a privilege to be given a voice and a choice in who governs us. That’s why I vote. And I vote for a party with policies that advance a better life for all people, not just a favored few. I especially care about the most vulnerable people among us who don’t have a voice and need us to speak up for them.

I don’t vote for a personality. A politician's "niceness" or "rudeness" should not be the driving factor in our voting decisions.

Personalities don’t protect or improve the quality of people's lives. Personalities come and go. Policies can last for decades. And there are some very bad policies today because people didn’t think politics mattered, or they didn’t vote, or they voted in ignorance.  

Right now, both parties, the left and the right, have policies that leave a lot to be desired. Both are so far from what they used to be. Both are failing on what I believe is the most important issue. Life. But one party, the right, has policies that are a little better for promoting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people, not just the favored few.

I can’t give an exhaustive list of each party's policies here. You can find them online. I’ve included some links relevant to what I’m talking about but you need to do your research. Don’t take any person's word as gospel. Read the policies for yourself. Listen to what each politician is saying for themselves not what others are saying about them, look at their record, and choose who will advance a better life for all people. If you don’t do any of this, how you can vote? How would you know how to vote responsibly if you don’t know what they stand for?

Party platform comparison can be found here:

I’m going to highlight what I believe are the most glaring differences between the two parties. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

The party on the left (the progressives).

Keep in mind that I will not use the language of the left as they speak in euphemisms to deceive and disguise what they are truly about. I will use the correct terminology to describe their policies.

  • The progressive left promotes and fights to legalize the killing of innocent human beings in the womb for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy, in every state and they want to codify Roe. Meaning they want to change the constitution to say that you have the right to kill your unborn child. They don’t want any restrictions or regulations on killing babies.

  • They are aggressively removing all medical standards and policies that provide protection, informed consent, and potential risks to women undergoing abortion procedures and taking medicines to kill their unborn child.

  • They call abortion "health care," "reproductive rights," "reproductive freedom," and "a woman's right to do what she wants with her own body."

    • Abortion is the intentional killing of innocent babies in the womb. There is nothing healthy about killing babies. It's not healthy for women to have abortions, and there is certainly no reproduction happening as they are stopping reproduction by killing the baby. Killing a baby is never necessary. There is always a better way to "save the life of the mother" and in the case of rape or incest, the baby doesn't deserve the death penalty for the father's sin of rape. The baby can be gifted in adoption if the mom doesn't want her child. Killing the baby doesn't undo the harm and trauma of the violence that the woman experienced, it only compounds it.

  • The left promotes and fights to legislate the sterilization of young children and perform genital mutilating surgeries on them to indulge a delusion that they can change their sex. A delusion that is taught to them by adults.

  • They promote and tell the world that men can become women (even though they can’t define a woman). They promote men who pretend to be women scantily dressed and dancing in front of children and reading to them in school libraries.

  • They promote pornographic materials in elementary school, middle school, and high school that show children how to have sex with people of the same sex or anyone they like.

  • They promote men pretending to be women competing in women’s sports and allow men in women’s prisons.

  • They want open borders and they are fighting to allow illegal immigrants to vote in our elections.

  • They give illegal immigrants free medical care and housing while our veterans sleep in the streets, and they kick kids out of their schools to house illegal migrants.

  • They promote racism by judging people based on their skin color rather than on the content of their character, merit, and work ethic.

  • They ignore the Constitution and the Supreme Court of the United States when it doesn’t conform to their radical ideologies and agenda.

Last but not least, did you know that the Biden/Harris Administration has used our taxpayer dollars to fund abortions and abortion businesses to the tune of $479,905,584,775? That’s hundreds of billions with a B of our hard-earned tax dollars used to kill babies. How does that make you feel?

I could go on, but you can look up their record for yourself if you want to know the facts before you cast your vote. I’ve included several links that speak to all the points I’m making.

Now the party on the right which used to be conservative but is moving to the middle.

  • They promote life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people, not just a favored few.

  • Many if not most conservatives are pro-life and used to fight for a Human Life Amendment but the party has now changed their platform and weakened their position on abortion. Now they only work toward providing some protection for babies in the womb. Their current position on abortion is that it's a state issue and they are leaving it there. Here's an article that shows how abortion is much more than a state issue. Both parties fall shamefully short on this issue, but at least the right shows a little more concern than the left.

  • The right seeks to protect children from gender-mutilating surgeries and dangerous drugs to stop their puberty.

  • They seek to protect children from the perversion and predation of scantily dressed men pretending to be women reading and dancing in front of them.

  • They seek to protect children from pornography in school and online.

  • They can define a woman because they know the difference between men and women.

  • They seek to protect women from men pretending to be women and competing against them. And they seek to keep men out of women’s prisons.

  • They want to secure the border, enforce the laws of the land, and prevent election fraud by only allowing citizens to vote.

  • They work to uphold the Constitution of the United States and adhere to the decisions of the Supreme Court even when decisions don’t go in their favor.

This is certainly not exhaustive. There is much more to consider such as the economy, foreign policy, etc., but I’ve listed what I believe are the most critical issues because they have to do with the most sacred—human life.

We can be poor and still enjoy life. We can be at war and still enjoy life. But when you decide that killing children in the womb and mutilating their bodies with drugs and surgeries is acceptable…how can you go on enjoying your life when you’re contributing to the destruction of others?

I'm voting for the party with policies that promote life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people, not just a select few. Yes, at this time they are the lesser of two evils because neither party promotes the moral standards of the Bible, which should govern our lives.

That’s the standard, you know. We have fallen so far from it that we have forgotten. But the Bible is supposed to be our guiding light. The Word of God is the only consistently reliable, unchanging, life-giving, and enriching truth that we can and should depend on. God’s Word is the source of truth and wisdom. When you embrace the whole counsel of God’s Word and let it determine the course of your life, your decision-making, and your relationships, it should lead you to be a good citizen who prays for the peace of your community and votes for a party and policies that will improve all of society, rather than radical ideologies and agendas.

Regardless of the outcome of the elections, I’m at peace because I know the King of kings and Lord of lords is on the throne and He’s coming back one day. So, I don’t worry and won’t freak out if my party loses. But that can’t be said about some people on the left. When they lose an election, they lose their minds and riot in the streets.

All is well with my soul but that doesn’t mean I won’t keep fighting the good fight. It’s my duty as a Christian and a citizen of my country to stand for truth and life.

Perhaps you’re indifferent to all this. I understand that attitude because it’s exhausting and discouraging sometimes but apathy is not an appropriate response to the madness of our world. Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

In the same way that our government abolished slavery, we can abolish the killing of innocent children in the womb. We just have to care enough. We have to be disgusted enough. We have to be courageous enough to say enough. It’s wrong to enslave people and it’s wrong to kill innocent people.

I hope that you can view children in the womb in the same way you view all people living on this planet - as human beings created in the image of God with inherent dignity and worth protecting. I pray you will do what you can to stand for truth, be a voice for the voiceless, and help rescue those being led away to death.

“Politics matter because policy matters because people matter.”

Mara Petro

A voice for the voiceless.

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