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Broken and Unconfessed - No More

Broken, filled with guilt, shame, and fear. How could anyone ever love me? Will I ever belong? My life is a mess. How do I move forward? Is this all there is? Is there something more, better? Will it ever stop hurting? I feel so bad. I just want to be free. I need help. Where do I go? Who has the answers? Can I be forgiven? Is there any hope for me?

This used to be the cry of heart. Then I met Jesus.

If this is still the cry of your heart then you’ve come to the right place. You’re not bad, you are broken. But there is hope and healing for you. You are loved and you do belong. There is something more and so much better.

Your mess, pain and shame is a part of your story, yes, but it isn’t your ruin and it doesn’t have to define you.

You are free and forgiven, and the hope and healing you ache for is found in the One who created you.

Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is the way out of your fear, guilt and worry. Jesus is the truth you’re seeking, the truth that will set you free from your bondage and shame. Jesus is the life and love you dream about. The arms of love you long for are the arms of God. The peace you ache for is found in the Prince of Peace. Your redeemer is Jesus. Your hope is Jesus. You belong to Jesus because you were created by God the Father and Jesus died on the cross to save you from your sins. He’s forgiven you and cast your sins as far as the east is from the west. He sees you. Yes, He sees you, and He loves and accepts you just as you are. He sees you as a beautiful, beloved daughter and He has a wonderful plan and purpose for your life. He’s waiting for you to trust Him, to surrender your heart and life to Him so He can redeem and transform the ashes of your life into the beautiful story of His amazing grace and unconditional love.

When we confess Jesus as our Lord, we give Him our burdens and in return He offers freedom, and leads us along paths of healing and wholeness.

Jesus is enough. There's nothing more and no one else you need more of than Him.

If you need help living in this truth, and want someone to walk along side of you to guide you, I’m here for you. Let's chase after Him together.

My passion and mission is helping women fall in love with Jesus, discover God’s power to change their life, be brave, and live free. Guiding the broken to the Potter who puts them back together. Leading the shameful to the Redeemer who transforms them into a radiant, beloved, beauty of honor.

Sweet sister, you are not alone. You are in the company of many others who share your past, and who have found hope, healing and newness of life in Christ.

Get in touch and join our community of women drawing from the Well of Living Water.

No longer do we live in the shadows of shame. We hold our heads high as chosen, beloved, daughters of God, redeemed by Christ’s love, walking in freedom, and proclaiming His saving grace and healing mercy.

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