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15 Days to Freedom

The Freedom Project begins March 20th with Fifteen Day’s to Freedom as we read through the book “You Are Free” by Rebekah Lyons.

The goal is to read at least one chapter a day along with a related Bible passage that I will post to the Freedom Project Group Page.

After the reading, you’re encouraged to come to the group page to share your answers to questions from the book and ones I will post on the page, write reflections on what you learned, and share prayer requests.

Each day will provide you with a fresh opportunity to prayerfully and boldly walk in new found freedom. I will be there learning and growing along with you, available to answer questions, pray for you, encourage you, disciple you, and coach you however you need.

I will post a weekly video highlighting a significant moment from the book and a Bible verse for reflection, as well as any testimonials some might want to share from their journey to freedom in Christ.

I’m excited to take this journey with you and see you become free as you were created to be.

To learn more about the Freedom Project and to join the group go to my Facebook page: then click on the Freedom Project group and ask to join. Next pick up a copy of the book "You Are Free" where ever you buy books. You may also message me privately with any questions you may have and a request to join and I'll add you to the group.

Looking forward to our journey to freedom!

Yours in Christ,


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